May 28, 2023
Exodus 23:25 “Worship the Lord your God, and His blessing will be on your food and water. I will take away sickness from among you.” (NIV)
W e l c o m e To
St. Matthew C.M.E. Church
2944 North Ninth Street
Milwaukee, WI 53206
(414) 562-7580

End of the Federal COVID-19 Public Health Emergency
CDC is shifting from an emergency response to incorporating COVID-19 activities into sustainable public health practice.
Main Church Office: Please be advised the office on 9th Street is still the main office. All requests for events, rehearsals (no matter location), mail and all other communications should go through the church on 9th Street.
Sunday Services: In person at the 76th street location, or go to YouTube or Facebook to view the service. To listen to service call (267) 807-9601 ~ 160990502#; Access Code:
Tithes/Offerings: Remember, you can send your tithes and offerings on line, via Easy Tithe, Cash App ($StMatthewCMEChurch), or send an email with your address to the church office and an envelope will mailed to you or you can drop your offerings off at the church or in person on Sunday mornings. Remember there is not a stimulus for churches, therefore, I am asking the membership to remain faithful in your contributions. Mail in your support or give online.
Funeral Services:

Virus: In the unfortunate circumstance that you become infected with this virus, or if you come in contact with someone who has, please notify me at
You are invited to our virtual Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School.
Sunday Morning Service–Pastor Shaw will conduct morning worship Sundays at 8:30 a.m. in person at the 76th street location and virtually. You may go to YouTube (StMatthewCMEmilwauke) or Facebook to watch the service, or call (267) 807-9601 ~ 160990502#; enter access code 160990502# to hear the service.
Sunday School–Sunday School class will begin at 11:00 a.m. We would like to invite you to join us via zoom at: Zoom Meeting~
Meeting ID: 624 643 3703 or call 1-312-626-6799 pass code: 624 643 3703# US (Chicago)
Daily Bible Readings
Week of
May 29, 2023
MONDAY: I Will Not Leave You Orphaned
(John 14:18–24)
TUESDAY: Abide in Me
(John 15:1–7)
WEDNESDAY: The Coming of the Advocate
(John 16:1–11)
THURSDAY: Raised Up and Freed from Death
(Acts 2:22–28)
FRIDAY: The Promise of the Spirit
(Acts 2:14–21)
SATURDAY: The Promise Received
(Acts 2:29–36)
3 Therefore I want you to know that no one who is speaking by the Spirit of God says, “Jesus be cursed,” and no one can say, “Jesus is Lord,” except by the Holy Spirit. 4 There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. 5 There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. 6 There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. 7 Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. 8 To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, 9 to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, 10 to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. 11 All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. Unity and Diversity in the Body
1 Corinthians 12:3-11 (NIV)
Vendor Table–Annual Conference will be held July 16-19, 2023. The Hilton Milwaukee City Center has been selected as the host hotel. If you would like to have a vendor table, please contact Sharon Townsell at (414) 562-9896 as soon as possible. We only have spots available for 10 vendors.
Bible Study–Attention St. Matthew: On Thursday, June 8, at 6:30 this Thursday only, the Wednesday Bible Study will meet both in person and online. This is only for June 8. We will go back to our regular schedule on June 14.
Annual Conference—Attention St. Matthew: As you know, we will be hosting the Annual Conference this year, July 16-19, 2023. We need volunteers in every area – registration, hospitality, transportation (drivers and moving), set-up and breakdown of equipment. Please give the office a call and let me know where you can work and how many hours you will be able to give.
3 D Cradle Roll—Attention St. Matthew: The 3D Cradle Roll to celebrate children up to 3 years old is on again this year. If you would like to have your child or grandchild celebrated, please send your pictures in to Rev. Judy Esco at Please be sure to note that you are from St. Matthew in Milwaukee.

Sunday, May 28th, we restartrf Children’s Church. Teaching Bible stories, crafts, songs, at children’s levels. This will be during morning worship. Looking forward to seeing our young people again. We will be starting with the children ages 3-12. (4th Sunday only, at this time)
Matthew 19:14. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”

Graduate Sunday celebration, June 11. Congratulations to all of our graduates.

“Let it be written, for a future generation that a people not yet created may praise the Lord: Ps. 102:18 (NIV)
Attention all members Gen. X ages 40-60: Pastor Shaw would like to invite you all to a brunch June 24th location to be determined. More information will be coming soon.
Connectional Stewardess Day: The Ruth and Naomi Guilds will be observing Connectional Stewardess Day on Sunday, June 4th. We are asking all Stewardesses to be in attendance.

Sneaker Ball: Milwaukee District Young Adults will host their first ‘Sneaker Ball’ on June 3, 2023, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. The ticket prices are $45 per adult and $15 for children/youth ages 6-17. Tickets are now on sale. I believe this event will be a blessing to our Young Adults and to our District. To purchase Sneaker Ball Tickets: Make checks payable to the Milwaukee District and mail them to Elder Tiggs Washington c/o Milwaukee District, 869 E. Schaumburg Rd, Unit 196, Schaumburg, IL, 60194.
The Annual Conference will be held July 16-20, 2023. The Hilton Milwaukee City Center, 509 W. Wisconsin Avenue Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53203 has been selected as host hotel. When making your reservations please indicate our group name, which is the CME Third Episcopal District. Reservations are to be made on or before Wednesday, July 5th by calling (414) 271-7250. There will be an opening formal celebration for the first night of the conference.

Main Office: Per Pastor Shaw, please be advised that the office on 9th Street is still the main office. All requests for events, rehearsals (no matter location), mail and all other communications should go through the church on 9th Street.
Membership Records: We are in the process of updating our records and are asking ALL members to fill out the membership form (should have received with Epigrapha). Please return via mail or go to the website and complete it online. There have been many changes in addresses, marital status, and additions to families.
Weekly Fuel: The Weekly Fuel for Monday is now available many ways. You can go to YouTube or Facebook to view it anytime this week. For those of you that would like to hear it on conference call or in your car, you can listen to it any time by following these steps: Playback number: (267) 807-9603 – Access code:160-990-502# Reference Number:8#. Going forward, you will be able to listen to the conference calls from the past at any time.

Attention St. Matthew: The Koinonia “Feed My Sheep Program” will prepare breakfast for the 2nd thru 4th or 5th Sunday so that the ministry can be in service for the first Sunday. The Tuesday night feeding program has resumed at 6:30.

Available for pickup on Ninth Street.

Sunday School: We would like to invite you to join us via zoom at: Zoom Meeting~ Meeting ID: 624 643 3703 or call 1-312-626-6799 passcode ~ 6246433703# US (Chicago)
(Weekly Fuel)
Weekly Fuel—Facebook, YouTube or conference call. If you miss the live presentation, you can go to YouTube or Facebook to view it anytime during the week. For those of you that would like to hear it on conference call, you listen to it any time by following these steps: Playback number:(267) 807-9603 – Access code:160-990-502# Reference Number: 10#. You can listen to this past week’s message in your car if you would like.

WEDNESDAY: Noon Bible Study—Noon bible study via conference call.
WEDNESDAY: 6:00 p.m. Bible Study— The Wednesday Night Bible Study will continue the study on the Ministry of Jesus Join us in person or YouTube or Facebook.

SATURDAY: Prayer Conference Call–Join us Saturday. Call (267-807-9601~ 160990502#) at 10:15 a.m. Please be sure to mute your phones, we can hear your conversations, and all movements.

From the bottom of our hearts, we would like to thank you all for the cards, calls and all other expressions of love shown to us during the passing of our dear Rev. Dorothy Dykes. Love has no boundaries, and we love you all. Mr. Otis Dykes, Mrs. Irma Henry and family.
Thank you, Pastor Shaw and St. Matthew CME Church family, for recognizing my 104th birthday in church two Sundays ago. Your cards and monetary gifts were greatly appreciated. Your support of myself and my daughter has been invaluable. God Bless you all! Ruth McNeely-Wells.
Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, for his love endures forever!! Psalms 107:1 (NIV) To Pastor Dr. Richard Shaw and Dr. Toni Shaw and the St. Matthew family it is with deep gratitude that I express sincere appreciation for your spiritual and physical support of my endeavor in pursing my master’s degree in Pastoral Care and Counseling. I thank you for your love, encouragement, and most of all prayers along this journey. May God continue to bless you. Cheryl DeBerry
Thank you ~ St. Matthew Church, Rev. Dr. Richard Shaw & First Lady Dr. Toni Shaw; Thank you very much for being supportive praying all these years. I am grateful. Thanks to the St. Matthew family for your cards and all acts of kindness especially your prayers. The Coe family.

Mr. Esco Newsom – May 28, 2017
Mr. Arthur Reid – May 27, 2020
Mrs. Jessie Chaney – May 24, 2013
Mrs. Exa Gilliam – May 24, 2019
Mr. Henry Smith – May 23, 2017
Mrs. Valle Lucas – May 17, 2017
~Gone But Never Forgotten~

Mr. Loren and Mrs. Cora Barnes celebrated four years of marriage on May 25.
The Late Mr. Joe and Mrs. Shirley Smith who would have celebrated 71 years of marriage on May 8.

Praise Reports
Loren was challenged this week but finished with 8,339 steps.
Mrs. Bobbie Suggs celebrated in Milwaukee Cheryl DeBerry’s graduation, worship service and travel to Memphis to visit her sister.
Ms. Heather Davis’ cousin in Memphis graduated from the Fire Dept. Academy.
Prayer Requests
- Mrs. Lorine Stovall & family in the passing of her brother Mr. Lewis Joe Christopher in California.
- Mr. Jerome Edwards (Carol Blalock and Sharon Townsell’s brother) kidney failure.
- Mrs. Serena Williams battling cancer.
- Mr. James Miller is still in need of continued prayer.
- Mrs. Brenda White-Phillips, upcoming Stem Cell transplant.
- Ms. Linda Farrington beginning her chemo treatments. (Sharon Townsell)

EASYTITHE: If you use Easytithe only for your donations, you can go into your account and pull up your donations for your tax purposes.

CASH APP: For those of you that use CashApp, please be aware there are multiple CME Churches with the same name. Therefore, Pastor has put a picture of the church on 9th Street on our account. Make sure you use the one with our picture on it.

[ˌkoinəˈnēə]: Koinonia’s primary meaning is “fellowship, sharing in common, communion”.
We invite you to learn more about our Koinonia ministry. Go to, click the green menu tab, scroll up and click KOINONIA. New volunteers are more than welcome.
- Online Giving
Go on our website
Mobile App: Download the Easy Tithe App and search for Matthew C.M.E. Church
Cash App: St. Matthew now has a new cash app. You may use $StMatthewCMEChurch. Please use this exactly as you see it because there are a lot of St. Matthew churches out there.
Text: Give by texting our dedicated Phone Number (414) 562-6844