2025 Tory Lowe Community Clean Up

Prayer call is on Saturday mornings at 10:15 am. We will use the same call-in number of 267-807-9601 and the code is 160990502# Please keep this number handy, it will be the number Pastor Shaw will use for all joint communication.
Please remember to email your prayer request or call the church office. stownsell@sbcglobal.net or stmatthewcmeoffice@gmail.com, 414-562-7580.
If you have not enrolled in Easytithe yet, you may go to the website and select online giving and the app will walk you through enrolling. You may also give using Cash App. For those of you that prefer to use the offering envelopes, you may call the church, mail in your contribution, email the church and we will send you envelopes or let us know and we will meet you at the church if you would like to drop it off. Since we have a smaller physical service, it is important that you continue to support the church.